



Rehabilitation Market in China


According to recent statistics in 2016, China has over 85 million disabled people, more than 50 million of them need long-term rehabilitation; Meanwhile, the aged population over 60 years old has reached to 185 million, and approximately 70 million of them need rehabilitation services. By 2050, the aged population will reach 400 million. Aged population has become one of the key social issues in the 21st century in China.


Huge rehabilitation demands need the corresponding rehabilitation infrastructure construction and supply of resources. But in recent years, investment in rehabilitation of disabled persons from Disabled persons' federation was total 1.33 billion yuan, accounting for only 0.74% of the total public health investment, per capita rehabilitation funds only have 1.06 yuan, and the domestic rehabilitation of medical care is still concentrated in general hospitals, 56% of community health care hospitals don't have rehabilitation departments, only 16.7% of patients and 33.5% of disabled people have access to rehabilitation services.

The people with functional disorder account for 10%-11% of the total population of China.

After Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and the Yushu earthquake in 2010 and other serious natural disasters, Chinese government's attention to rehabilitation medical care has risen to an unprecedented level, and more and more attention has been dedicated to the field of rehabilitation cross-system, cross-sectoral comprehensive cooperation and development.

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