


Blueprint for improving welfare of the disabled to be released


As China strives to achieve prosperity for all of its citizens by 2020, it is making plans to ensure its disabled population is not left behind.

The China Disabled Person's Federation, at a news briefing on Tuesday, said it will release a blueprint this year on how the country can lift its disabled poor out of poverty in a more precise way.

"There are two additional requirements to fulfill the disabled population's basic needs: the development of a rehabilitation industry and the establishment of a barrier-free environment," said Lu Yong, the federation's vice president.

China has an estimated 80 million disabled citizens. About 30 million are registered with the government.

The federation, together with government agencies, will seek further improvements in the establishment of barrier-free environments in 2016, including those at airports and railway systems. Barrier-free design refers to structures that do not impede the use by those with special physical needs.

The disabled population's welfare is a top goal of China's leadership, which included progress on such issues as part of the current five-year plan (2016-2020). First lady Peng Liyuan paid visits to disabled children last year.

By Luo Wangshu (chinadaily.com.cn)

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